How to Prepare Your Finances for Home Ownership

How to Prepare Your Finances for Home Ownership

Preparing finances for home ownership begins the day someone decides they actually want to buy a home. After all, saving for a down payment doesn’t just happen overnight! So, how do you best prepare your finances in advance to handle the most expensive purchase of...
4 Ways to Erase Ugly Scratches From Wood Floors

4 Ways to Erase Ugly Scratches From Wood Floors

Dogs chase kids, pans drop, chairs scrape, and soon you must repair wood floors and erase scratches that make a mess of your red oak or Brazilian cherry. A professional floor refinisher will charge $1 to $4 per square foot to apply a new coat of finish. No worries....
5 Tasks Every Homeowner Should Do in January

5 Tasks Every Homeowner Should Do in January

Whew. The holidays are done. The new year has rung in. That’s when smart homeowners know it’s time to do these five things that’ll save time, money, and hassles all year long. #1 Organize Your Seasonal Storage Space Packing away holiday decor...
How to Avoid Mortgage Mistakes

How to Avoid Mortgage Mistakes

Mortgages don’t have to be scary. After all, they’re just business transactions, albeit big ones. Yet, a survey by mortgage website found that 75% of home loan applicants compared the mortgage loan process to an annual physical or a dentist visit....
4 Easy-Peasy Must-Do’s for Homeowners in December

4 Easy-Peasy Must-Do’s for Homeowners in December

December. The year’s coming to an end. Time to do four small tasks for a bright (and money-saving) new year. #1 Clean Light Bulbs and Fixtures Two great reasons to clean your light bulbs: You want as much light in your house as you can get as the days grow...