Fix Wet Basement Problems

Fix Wet Basement Problems

  Fix wet basement problems and keep moisture from wrecking your new basement remodel. A wet basement remodel is worse than no basement remodel at all. So before you add livable space below where you live, be sure to fix wet basementproblems. What’s the Water...
Cicada Defense 101: How to Protect Your Yard

Cicada Defense 101: How to Protect Your Yard

It’s a cross between a sci-fi movie and a rare historical event. Two different and enormous broods of cicadas are poised to emerge simultaneously in various locations across the U.S. starting in late April. They’ll mate, lay eggs, and die. Now for the history...

10 Steps to a Perfect Exterior Paint Job

Painting the exterior of your home costs thousands in the hands of a pro. But you can save money if you invest the time to do it yourself correctly. Old wood siding, fast becoming a dinosaur in new construction, regularly needs the protection of a new coat of paint. A...