What to Know About Your Credit Before Buying a Home

What to Know About Your Credit Before Buying a Home

Like it or not, your credit score is one of the most important numbers in your life, ranking up there with your Social Security number, date of birth, and wedding anniversary. This three-digit number is your financial report card, except there’s no getting rid of it...
What Not to Do as a New Homeowner

What Not to Do as a New Homeowner

Avoid these easy-to-prevent mistakes that could cost you big time You’re hanging pictures and pinning ideas for your favorite bath. But in all your excitement, are you missing something? Now that you’re a bonafide homeowner are there things you should know...
7 Smart Strategies for Bathroom Remodeling

7 Smart Strategies for Bathroom Remodeling

Here’s how to get the bathroom of your dreams without making your budget a nightmare. You dream about a bathroom that’s high on comfort and personal style, but you also want materials, fixtures, and amenities with lasting value. Wake up! You can have both. A midrange...
What Is the Best Time to Buy a House?

What Is the Best Time to Buy a House?

Sure, you can consider market conditions. But when to buy a house is really all about you. Timing determines so much when you’re buying a house. Although the best time to buy a house is when you’re ready both financially and emotionally, there are other...