4 Easy-Peasy Must-Do’s for Homeowners in December

4 Easy-Peasy Must-Do’s for Homeowners in December

December. The year’s coming to an end. Time to do four small tasks for a bright (and money-saving) new year. #1 Clean Light Bulbs and Fixtures Two great reasons to clean your light bulbs: You want as much light in your house as you can get as the days grow...
6 Simple Steps to Prep Your Home for Holiday Guests

6 Simple Steps to Prep Your Home for Holiday Guests

And will you ever get a chance to relax yourself? Hosting has its share of anxieties, especially if you’re striving to make your home welcoming. How do you know everyone will feel comfortable? You will if you focus on what’s really necessary. Here are six...
10 Simple Comforts Every Houseguest Will Adore You For

10 Simple Comforts Every Houseguest Will Adore You For

You’re expecting houseguests. Fun! You want them to feel welcome, comfortable, and — dare we say it? — maybe even a tad envious of your hosting prowess. No need to moonlight at hospitality school. We asked Airbnb hosts with tons of great reviews on their cozy...
6 Tasks Every Homeowner Should Do in November

6 Tasks Every Homeowner Should Do in November

It’s the spring cleaning of fall, so to speak. With THE HOLIDAYS coming at you fast and furious, you want to be sure your home is cozy, but with that fresh-as-spring feel — as opposed to that musty-damp-winter feel. Here’s how to make that happen (along with a...
9 Quick DIYs That Could Make That House Your Home

9 Quick DIYs That Could Make That House Your Home

Whether you’re a new homeowner, on the hunt, or a current homeowner, we all want our space to feel like us, right? Nothing compares to the sense of relief that comes from feeling like you’re home. But how do you create that feeling? I have nine tiny fixes any...
Fire Pit or Money Pit? 9 Ways to Avoid Overspending

Fire Pit or Money Pit? 9 Ways to Avoid Overspending

Don’t do built-in seating. Your butt (and budget) will thank you for it. Indoor evenings on the couch are so last year. Literally. Relaxing around a fire and under the stars is about to be the place for a perfect night. But a built-in fire pit can cost upward of...
6 Tasks That Every Smart Homeowner Does in October

6 Tasks That Every Smart Homeowner Does in October

The temps are starting to drop; the smell of wood smoke is in the air. Temps are more chilly than warm. That’s when veteran homeowners know it’s time to do these six things if they want to avoid grief or overspending. #1 Buy Appliances Whisper to them. Do...
Homeowners Insurance: Time for an Annual Check-Up

Homeowners Insurance: Time for an Annual Check-Up

It’s time for your annual check-up. The good news is that for this one, you won’t have to don one of those revealing hospital gowns — and you may walk away with a healthier pocketbook. We’re talking about a homeowners insurance check-up, a task you should...