11 Habits for a Totally Chill Home

11 Habits for a Totally Chill Home

Create a peaceful home with these best practices for eliminating stress Your home should be your refuge. It should clear away the day’s distractions and help you feel organized, focused, and calm. Oooooom. So why does it feel less like a yoga studio and more...
Filing Taxes After Divorce: Tips for Homeowners

Filing Taxes After Divorce: Tips for Homeowners

If you’re getting divorced, your home may be the biggest asset you’ll have to divide with your soon-to-be ex. As you decide whether to sell it and split the proceeds or let one spouse live there until the last kid launches, remember this: A third party is sometimes...
How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax on a Home Sale

How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax on a Home Sale

When your home value goes through the roof, you may end up with capital gains when you sell. Here are tips to limit tax liability. Most homeowners aim for a substantial increase in home value – and many are achieving it when they sell their primary home. But that...